
The Two Trees – Denying the Soul (Self) – Part 5

The consequences of Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil created the fall of man.  After the fall, God told man to master sin.  Later God added the law, which further showed man his sins, and that he could not completely follow the law.  Therefore, every year the…


The Two Trees – Handling the Consequences – Part 2

In our last message, we talked about the two trees God placed in the Garden of Eden for man to choose.  If they followed God’s instruction concerning the trees, it would bring life.  If they did not, it would bring death. How man lived and walked on the earth was based on how he dealt…


Discerning the Spirit from the Soul – Part 1

We have been spending time getting to know who we are.  “I am a spirit, I live in a body, and I have a soul, which is my mind, will and emotions.”  Today we are going to discern the spirit from the soul.  In other words, learn how to divide our soulish natural mind from…


The Body is the Temple – Function of the Spirit – Part 7

We are continuing our study of who we are.  We know we are a 3 part being.  “I am a spirit, I live in a body, and I have a soul, which is my mind, will and emotions.”  The heart functions not as a separate entity, but as a gatekeeper of the soul and spirit. …


Protecting The Gates – The Eye Gate – Part 2

Gates are the 1st line of defense. They control entrance and exit. Gates can allow a “window” of opportunity or an “open door” for the enemy. Nehemiah 2:17 Then said Nehemiah unto them, You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come,…


The Body is the Temple – The Function of the Heart – Part 6

We are continuing our study of who we are.  We know we are a 3 part being.  “I am a spirit, I live in a body, and I have a soul, which is my mind, will and emotions.”  We know the heart is not a separate entity, but a combination of soul and spirit.  Today,…


Protecting the Gates – Intro

Gates are the 1st line of defense. They control entrance and exit. Gates can allow a “window” of opportunity or an “open door” for the enemy. Nehemiah was among the Hebrews who remained in the Persian Empire following the seventy years of Babylonian Captivity and became the king’s cupbearer. Those Hebrews who went back to…


Labor to Enter God’s Rest – The Exodus – Part 3

We have learned from the children of Israel that trust is the key to entering God’s rest.  Since they chose to believe what they saw instead of trusting God, they could not enter God’s rest.   As a result, no trust, no promise land.   It is the same with us. Hebrews 3: 7-14:  7 Therefore, as…


Labor to Enter God’s Rest – The Exodus – Part 2

Hebrews 4:11 Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. (NKJ) Why is labor needed in order to rest? When faced with trials and tribulations, it can be a struggle to keep our thoughts on the victory that has already been won rather than…


Labor to Enter God’s Rest – The Exodus – Part 1

Ironically, believers must labor to enter God’s rest.  We cannot fold our hands and sit back because removing unbelief and trusting God takes constant effort.  So the labor we have is learning to trust God, and disregard unbelief.  We will be using the Exodus as our example to learn from. Hebrews 3: 7-17:   7 That…


The Power of Hope – Part 1

  The world implies hope to mean that something will automatically or magically happen without effort. Biblical hope is more than just wishful thinking or being optimistic. An idea or good thought can’t guarantee an outcome. They might help a mental attitude, but they don’t guarantee anything. Evil thoughts are often referred to in the…


Self- Justification – Part 3

Self justification is a form of self-righteousness.  It’s an inward belief that somehow because of what we do for God and others, we are owed greater favor and honor.  It’s the mental attitude that begins to believe we are righteous because of what we do; not what Jesus did.  Self justification is always concerned with…


Self-Justification – Part 1

Today, we’re going to talk about the subject of self-justification. Have you ever noticed how human beings are really good at justifying themselves?  Often, instead of admitting we are wrong, we find a way to explain why we are not.  There are several characteristics of believers who habitually “self justify.” Some to be careful of…

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