
Putting Faith into Practice- Part 1

Believers sometimes have trouble knowing how to use their faith.  We are told in the Word the definition of faith, but often we don’t seem to understand how to put our faith into practice.  In this message, we will focus on practicing faith for healing and finances. Scriptures: Hebrews 11:1:   Now faith is confidence in…


Courage – The Power of Faith

God expects His children to walk in faith.  Walking by faith takes courage.  Faith is the key to unlocking all the promises of God, but it must be mixed with corresponding action and a strong resolve; meaning a strong decision to decide God’s Word is absolute Truth. “I will believe over everything I am facing.” …



Deception keeps you focused on a distraction so you won’t see what is really going on. The main problem with deception is you don’t know you are being deceived. Let’s look at the source of all deception. Jeremiah 9:6 You dwell in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to know Me, (Berean) 2…


Faith Demands the Right Action in order to Work – Pt 2

A lot of people claim they have faith.  They say they believe God.  They confess His Word is true.  They say, “Amen” during the services, but when it comes to actually putting the word into practice, they don’t. Then they wonder why their prayers are not answered when they say they believe God, but don’t…


Fulfill Your Prescription

What is a prescription? According to Webster, “a written direction for a therapeutic or corrective agent; specifically: one for the preparation and use of a medicine.” It also means, “The action of laying down authoritative rules or directions.” It is also defined as, “the process of making claim to something by long use and enjoyment.” The…


Faith Demands the Right Action in Order to Work

A lot of people claim they have faith.  They say they believe God.  They confess His Word is true.  They say, “Amen” during the services, but when it comes to actually putting the word into practice, they don’t. Then they wonder why their prayers are not answered when they say they believe God.  So let’s…


Grow Up

What does spiritual maturity look like? Ephesians 4:11-15 It was He who “gave gifts to people”; He appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. 12 He did this to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build…

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