
Putting Faith into Practice – Part 6

Every day challenges come to believers, and we will always be given the opportunity to believe God over our present situation.  Your faith will grow, as you use it, just like a muscle.  Learn to recognize every challenge that comes your way daily, and put your faith to work for you against those challenges.  In…


Putting Faith into Practice – Part 5

We are continuing our study on how to put faith into practice.  If you want the supernatural lifestyle, with miracles and the power of God’s Word working through you, then you must accept the Word of God into your mind (intellect), your will and your emotions.  The Word must become the most important thing you…


Putting Faith into Practice- Part 1

Believers sometimes have trouble knowing how to use their faith.  We are told in the Word the definition of faith, but often we don’t seem to understand how to put our faith into practice.  In this message, we will focus on practicing faith for healing and finances. Scriptures: Hebrews 11:1:   Now faith is confidence in…

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